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The Washington Post’s investigative report on the Taliban’s support for YouTubers

گزارش تحقیقی واشنگتن پست در مورد حمایت طالبان از یوتیوبران

In an article, the Washington Post addressed the issue of the Taliban government’s support for YouTubers who present positive views of Afghanistan.According to this media, these people are encouraged by access to stories that can have millions of views online.The Taliban, who used to smash TVs and burn movies, are now using video technology to change the face of Afghanistan.In this report, it is stated that the Taliban regime gives activity licenses to YouTubers and cancels them if they violate the rules. In contrast, videos critical of the Taliban have disappeared from YouTube. The government imposes strict restrictions on online content and YouTubers who violate the rules are arrested.Some channels focus on Taliban supporters, and others focus entirely on urban development under Taliban rule, but in the meantime, some YouTubers have run into problems due to their reluctance to promote Taliban views.The Washington report reveals that the Taliban are looking for YouTubers who present a positive image of Afghanistan and are using them to advance their goals.
