Iran’s recruitment of Afghan children for overseas wars
Harana News Agency, the news organ of the group of human rights activists in Iran, reported that the Islamic Republic of Iran has forced vulnerable populations and immigrants, especially Afghan children, into military service with promises of financial rewards and legal residency for decades.This report revealed the violation of international laws and says that Iran has sent Afghan children to the Syrian war in the framework of the Fatemiyoun army. Most of the members of Lashkar Fatemiyoun were Afghan immigrants.In a part of this report, it is stated that the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps has also been active inside Afghanistan for recruitment and had unofficial offices in this country. Although the exact number of child soldiers who are members of Fatemiyoun is not accurate, the evidence shows that the IRGC has used children under the age of 18 and even under the age of 15 as soldiers to join Fatemiyoun and participate in the Syrian war.It is worth noting that Afghan immigrants in Iran are struggling with severe living restrictions. The United Nations has said that 780,000 asylum seekers have been registered by this organization, and 2.6 million people live in this country without documents and 600,000 people with legal documents.