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Detention of hundreds of people accused of various crimes in Herat

بازاداشت صد ها تن با اتهام جرایم مختلف در هرات

The Taliban security command in Herat province has announced that it has arrested more than 128 people on charges of various crimes in the past six months.

The announcement states that of these, 523 people have been charged with crimes such as armed robbery, murder, forgery and extortion, while another 512 people have been arrested for selling drugs and alcohol.

According to this announcement, during this period of time, the anti-narcotics authorities in Herat have conducted more than 536 operations in the city and districts and arrested at least 512 suspects. Also, it has been claimed that 2,479 kilograms of drugs and 938 liters of alcohol were seized from among these people.

This announcement also mentioned traffic incidents and reported that during these six months, more than 1,257 traffic accidents occurred, resulting in 97 deaths and 339 injuries.

In the same period of time, the anti-terrorism authorities have arrested 18 people and discovered 71 types of weapons from them.
