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Former Journalist and Diplomat Lailuma Sadid Nominated for European Parliament

لیلما سدید، خبرنگار و دیپلمات سابق مقیم بلجیم، به عضویت در پارلمان اروپا نامزد شده است.

Lailuma Sadid, a former journalist and diplomat residing in Belgium, has been nominated for membership in the European Parliament.

Bilal Sarwari, former Afghan reporter, commented on Sadid’s recent nomination, stating, “The success of individuals like Lailuma Sadeed in gaining political representation in European institutions can significantly amplify the voice of our compatriots residing in Europe.”

Sarwari emphasized the importance of having Afghan representatives in key decision-making bodies such as the European Parliament, highlighting Sadeed’s potential success in advancing Afghanistan-Europe relations and strengthening bilateral cooperation.

Sadid’s nomination reflects a growing recognition of the diverse backgrounds and experiences shaping European politics.
