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Uber’s shocking bell to a customer in India

بل شوکه کننده شرکت اوبر به یک مشتری در هندوستان

A man in the city of Noida, when he was about to pay just 62 Indian rupees as the cost of his usual Uber ride, was unexpectedly met with a terrifying bell.

Instead of paying the expected amount, he received a bill worth nearly 77 million Indian rupees, equivalent to nearly one million dollars, which seems impossible to pay.

His friend Ashish Mishra shared this in a video and expressed his surprise at the high cost of this taxi bill.

This video brought reactions in the cyberspace and users made jokes about the possibility of asking the Uber driver to pay this unreasonable amount.

After the video was released and public attention was raised, Uber officially apologized and said that they are investigating the matter.
