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The bodies of the employees of a charity organization who were killed in Gaza were sent to their countries

اجساد کارمند یک موسسه خیریه که در غزه کشته شده بودند به کشور های شان فرستاده شد

The bodies of six employees of a charity who were killed in Israeli airstrikes were sent to their respective countries late yesterday.

Three British citizens, a Pole, an Australian and a Canadian who worked in the institute known as the “Central Kitchen of the World” were killed in Israeli airstrikes on Tuesday night in Nawaz, Gaza.

The Palestinian driver of these people was also killed and his body was handed over to his family in Gaza for burial.

The killing of these people has rekindled criticism of Israel’s behavior in the nearly six-month war with Hamas.

The extremist group Hamas is recognized as a terrorist organization by the United States and the European Union.

Israel called this air attack a big mistake and said that it was carried out in complicated conditions and due to wrong identification.
