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Prevalence of male pattern baldness in Western countries and its relationship with genetic and lifestyle factors

شیوع طاسی مردانه در کشورهای غربی و ارتباط آن با عوامل ژنتیک و سبک زندگی

Recent research shows that androgenetic alopecia or male pattern baldness is more common in some countries.

This situation, if some doctors consider it the answer to the activity of androgens or male hormones in the male body, it will be considered as a common problem in many societies and countries.

According to research, factors including genetics, lifestyle and environment have an effect on hair loss or baldness, and this issue has now grown more in Western countries.

A study conducted by Mediheer, a reputable organization in the field of hair loss treatment in Europe, showed that Spain has the highest number of male baldness, followed by Italy, France, the United States of America and Germany.

This research shows that a large part of the Jamiat Mardan Tas lives in Panj Kishore.

This research also shows that obesity has become a global problem and is not only related to genetic factors, but also to nutritional habits and lifestyle.

Based on this research, researchers associate elements such as group B vitamins and vitamin D, which are less important in the diet of people, with hair loss.
