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First Rail Carrying Afghanistan’s Transit Goods Enters Turkey via Iran After 40-Day Delay

First Rail Carrying Afghanistan’s Transit Goods Enters Turkey via Iran After 40-Day Delay

On Tuesday, May 28, Iran’s state news agency “ISNA” reported that the first rail carrying Afghanistan’s transit goods had passed through Iran’s “Razinek” route and entered Turkey after a 40-day delay.

The rail, carrying approximately 1,100 tons of mineral stones from Afghanistan, reached the border city of “Van” in Turkey on Tuesday.

Despite arriving in Iran about a month ago, the rail faced delays in several regions of the country for unknown reasons. The Ministry of Commerce and Industry of the Taliban government has stated that the Herat-Khawaf railway line will be used to transport commercial goods to Turkey, and construction work on the fourth phase of this railway line inside Herat also began a few days ago.
