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Accusing the United Nations of neglecting human and women’s rights in Afghanistan

متهم شدن سازمان ملل به بی توجهی به حقوق بشر و زنان در افغانستان

In response to the United Nations’ invitation to the Taliban to participate in the third Doha meeting, the Purple Saturdays movement has accused the organization of neglecting human and women’s rights. This movement announced on Friday, 11th of Gemini, by publishing a statement that it condemns the invitation of the Taliban to this meeting and demands more pressure on this group.

The statement of the Purple Saturdays movement states that with this decision, the United Nations once again proved that, contrary to its claims, human rights and women’s rights are the least important issue for this organization. They believe that inviting the Taliban, regardless of suppressing the people, is a step towards formalizing and normalizing this group.

The Purple Saturdays movement has asked the United Nations to answer what conditions and demands it accepted from the Taliban that this group agreed to participate in the third Doha meeting. They have also asked the countries of the world to stand against the crimes of the Taliban by prioritizing the values ​​of human rights.
