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55% Increase in Insecurity in Afghanistan and Ongoing Internal Disputes within the Taliban

افزایش ۵۵ درصدی ناامنی در افغانستان و ادامه اختلافات درونی طالبان

The recent report by Antonio Guterres, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, reveals that insecurity in Afghanistan has increased by 55% in the last three months. During this period, over 2,500 security incidents have been recorded in the country, with the main factor being the Taliban group’s decision to ban opium cultivation.

According to this 15-page report, internal disputes within the Taliban leadership persist, and severe restrictions have been imposed on the fundamental rights and freedoms of women and girls. The Taliban have further limited the space for civil and political activities for both women and men.

Guterres also announced that the National Resistance Front of Afghanistan has carried out 29 attacks against Taliban forces in the past three months, with 20 in Kabul, 6 in Takhar province, 2 in Baghlan province, and one in Parwan province. The front has managed to attack the military area of Kabul airport as well.

Furthermore, the Afghanistan Freedom Front has attacked the Taliban in Kabul 14 times during this period, a decrease from the 24 attacks in the previous three months.
