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Trump’s VP Candidate: Afghan Refugees Who Didn’t Fight Don’t Deserve Transfer to America

معاون ترامپ: پناهجویان افغان که نجنگیدند، شایسته انتقال به امریکا نیستند

James David Vance, Donald Trump’s running mate in the upcoming U.S. presidential election, believes that the Taliban’s dominance over Afghanistan is the result of Joe Biden’s “disastrous” policies and the “failure of the entire American regime.”

In an analytical article published in the early days of the fall of the Afghan government to the Taliban, the Republican senator criticized Biden’s policies toward Afghanistan and the plan to transfer Afghan refugees to the United States.

Referring to the “failure of the democracy experiment” in Afghanistan, Vance said American leaders sent their soldiers to this country to perform “an impossible task,” and the best American forces lost their lives to “turn a backwater into a thriving democracy.”

He also criticized U.S. military officials for providing false information to former President Donald Trump, saying they “lied” to Trump to prolong engagements in the Middle East.

Vance stressed, “The big lesson we learn from Afghanistan is that the people leading this country (America) are not fit for the job.” He added that by delaying the withdrawal of forces, American leaders gave the Taliban time to increase their capabilities.

The Republican senator concluded by saying that Afghan refugees who “were not willing to fight for their own nation should not be transferred to America by plane.”
