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Trump Slams Biden’s Afghanistan Exit on Kabul Airport Attack Anniversary

ترامپ از خروج بایدن از افغانستان در سالگرد حمله خونبار داعش به میدان هوایی کابل انتقاد کرد

Donald Trump, the Republican presidential candidate, once again criticized the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan as humiliating.

Speaking to National Guard troops in Michigan on Monday, August 26, Trump blamed President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris for the “chaotic” exit, claiming it weakened America’s global credibility.

The speech coincided with the third anniversary of the ISIS attack on Kabul airport, which killed at least 13 U.S. soldiers and 170 civilians.

Harris had previously stated she was the last person Biden consulted about the withdrawal.

#TrumpOnAfghanistan #BidenWithdrawal #KabulAirportAttack #USElection2024 #AfghanistanExit
