UN Report Reveals Taliban’s Sexual Abuse; Women’s Movement Demands Justice
Following the UN report on Taliban’s sexual abuse of female prisoners, the Women’s Movement for Peace and Freedom has called for bringing the Taliban to justice The movement expressed solidarity with the victims on Wednesday, Aqrab 9, stating that Taliban’s actions against women constitute crimes against humanity.
The movement’s statement urged world nations and human rights organizations, including Security Council members, to establish and implement strong accountability mechanisms against the Taliban. They emphasized the need for support and solidarity with the victimized womend Bennett, UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in Afghanistan, had previously reported sexual abuse of female prisoners by the Taliban.
While the Taliban has remained silent on these allegations, they have banned Bennett from entering the country, claiming his reports are unrealistic.
#WomensRights #Afghanistan #UnitedNations #HumanRights #JusticeForWomen