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The return of more than one and a half million migrants to Afghanistan this year

بازگشت بیش از یک ونیم میلیون مهاجر به افغانستان در سال جاری

The spokesperson of the Taliban Ministry of Migrants and Returnees says that more than one and a half million migrants have returned to Afghanistan this year.

Abdulmutallab Haqqani announced this statistic in an interview with National Radio-TV of Afghanistan, under the control of the Taliban.Haqqani said that these migrants have returned to Afghanistan from Pakistan, Iran, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Turkey.

After the Taliban took control of Afghanistan in 1400, a large number of people sought refuge in neighboring countries.

Most Afghan immigrants and refugees live in Pakistan, Iran and Turkey, but all three countries have repeatedly announced that they detain immigrants without residency documents and deport them to Afghanistan after being transferred to camps.

Despite the criticism of human rights organizations, these countries have continued to deport Afghans without official residency documents.
